Project Start Date: January 2017
Project Finish Date: May 2018
Project Value: $14.1 Million
Melbcon completed construction at Braemar College’s new Woodend Campus in June 2018. This new campus for the College is Stage 1 of a master plan for the school involved the construction of the Middle School. The project included the construction of the Middle School with multiple pods built alongside one another with linked outdoor learning spaces. There are multiple general learning areas, study areas, science labs, art studios and a multiple learning common areas. The other building constructed was the administration building which included offices, meeting/ interview rooms, reception and waiting area, staff tea room and storage areas. Other external works were quite significant including extensive car parking areas and bus loop zone, large oval, external and associated landscape works.
Architect: Hayball
Site Address: 241 Romsey Road, Woodend VIC 3442
Project Contact: Paris Murphy, Senior Associate – Hayball